Please wait while we prepare your haggadah...
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Passover is a special holiday where families come together and celebrate the freedom of the jews. The jews going from slavery to freedom. These seven days or eight include hours of praying, eating, singing and thanking g-d for everything he has done for us and having liberated us from slavery.


There are 6 main food on our plate while reading the Haggadah:

1) Shank bone: There is a roasted bone on our plate, it is a symbol of the Passover offering.

2) Egg: There is a boiled egg on our plate because it symbolizes the second festive offering eaten on Passover.

3) Haroset: Haroset symbolizes the hardships the Jews lived in Egypt. It is a mixture of dates, nuts, cinnamon.

4) Bitter herbs: They are eaten twice during the seder and also symbolize the hardships of the jews. The bitter herbs remind us of the bitter times as slaves.

5) Karpas: It is a vegetable that is dipped in saltwater. It symbolizes the spring and the renewal. The saltwater reminds of the shredded tears of the jews in Egypt.

6) Matzah: Three matzot placed on top of each other. Two matzot that represent the bread we eat on holiday and a third for the mitzvah of eating matzah on Passover.

The order of the seder

1. Kadesh: it refers to the reciting of the kiddush over the first cup of wine. We do the kiddush to sanctify. By doing the kiddush we sanctify ourselves and everyone at the table and we can begin the story of the Jews leaving Egypt.

2. Urhatz: We wash our hands before motzi to remind us that we earn our bread. But, Urhatz is different we wash our hands to show that we still have our sights set on ambitions that are not strictly material.

3.  Karpas: The karpas serves as an "appetizer" before the meal. It is supposed to whet our appetites for the matzah. It opens the way to a beautiful seder night by making us want more.

4. Yahatz: The matzah is broken in two with the bigger piece set aside as the "afikoman". The other piece is kept on the plate for the blessing. It is symbolic of the smaller portion to which a poor individual is accustomed.

5. Maggid: It is mine and many other people's favorite parts of the seder. We tell the story of freedom by reading the Haggadah and can recite personal stories of ourselves. We sing the " four questions", "daienu",  "the four sons" and the ten plagues.

6: Rohtzah: Before eating the Kapas and dipping it into the salted water we must wash our hands, even though we have already washed them before the prayer on the matzah. The Talmud says we must wash our hands if we plan on dipping our food into a liquid. 

7. Motzi matzah: For some matzah is a bread of affliction. For others, it is a humble bread. There are many different perceptions on the matzah. Each person is given a piece of each of the top two matzot.

8. Maror: It symbolizes the bitter slavery the jews suffered under Pharos control. Eating it is supposed to make us taste the bitterness. it reminds us that hardships is part of life, the jews have been through pogroms, genocides and much more but we still are one nation.'

9. Koreikh: After eating the matzah (the positive message of freedom) and after eating the maror ( the harsh lessons of slavery) we now put them together. This shows us that good and evil are hard to tell apart. Koreigh is a reminder to be wary of oversimplifications.

10. Shulhan Oreikh: the main course of the seder, we have already eaten the meal, sang and done prayers. Now, we eat delicious food! Passover revolves around the concept of food more than any holiday. We eat the salads, and lots of meat. 

11. Tzafun: We eat the afikoman that is the last food we eat on the seder night. There are traditions where all the fathers at the table hide the Afikoman. It is up to the kids to find the Afikoman and they will be rewarded. It teaches us to liberate ourselves from the need for immediate gratification.

12. Bareikh: After every meal, we need to thank g-d for the food we ate. The first blessing in the Birkat hamazon says that g-d is the source of all nourishment. The second thanks him for the land of Israel. The third thanks him for Jerusalem and the fourth is for his goodness.

13. Halleil: On passover we recite the Halleil Hagadol. It symbolizes a testimony to our belief that g-d salvation is forthcoming to all those who need it.

14. Nirtzah: We conclude the seder with a short prayer thanking G-d and we wish that we can do the seder again next year. Except "Next year in jerusalem"

Mah Nishtanah

People with the smartest questions are far more admired than those who have all the answers.

"Why is this night different from all other nights"

On this night we only eat unleavened bread.

On this night we only eat bitter herbs.

On this night we dip our bitter herbs twice.

On this night we all recline.

The four sons

The four children correspond to the four times the Torah enjoins us to tell the story of our exodus to our kids. The reality is that we all have wise or rebellious children. To the wiser ones, we give them stimulating content. To the rebellious ones we criticize. The seder leaders have a hard task to read the Haggadah, but a seder table is marvelous when all the children are involved and it brings new perspectives.

Maggid - Beginning

As we pour the fourth cup of wine, many families pour one extra cup for Eliyahu Hanavi. He is a prophet from whom we await news from, we then open the door so that he can come in. We also remember that we were once redeemed and it will happen again in the month of Nissan. 

-- Four Children

After eating a delicious meal and reciting the entire Haggadah, we conclude the seder with a short prayer expressing our thanks and we wish to have a beautiful seder again like this next year.

-- Exodus Story

Had Gadya

It is a song that explores the cycle of nature, life, and death. The song is about G-d's supremacy over all living things. We remind ourselves that there is nobody above G-d. There are many other songs that enlighten the seder. 

We also sing a beautiful song that wishes us a Seder in the upcoming year in Jerusalem
